I don't like to compare because of the emotional
impact comparison usually has on us. But sometimes you can't help it. Watching
someone else's husband who is more involved, sweeter with his wife, closer with
his kids creates this unpleasant inner stir that I'm missing out. I do see
happy couples occasionally, who are so in sync, so connected. But mostly I see
relationships where the two people are ... just together; and you sense a lot
of dissatisfaction and unhappiness beneath the calm surface.
Anyway, I'm always glad when I am presented with the
opportunity to compare to someone worse, not better. To get a chance to think
about someone else's husband, "thank god I'm not married to that
dude" (though I suspect many women think the same about mine). Sometimes
this comparison makes you see your partner in a new light and reconsider
whether some of his flaws are actually that bad.
We've been having a contractor coming in to repaint
the walls in our house. What initially seemed like a quiet, reserved guy turned
out to be a nightmarish chatterbox. The minute my husband steps out the door
the dude opens his mouth and pours the endless stream of words down on me (my
husband normally doesn't talk much - what a blessing). Mostly this guy
complains about everyone and everything (my husband does not like to complain
especially when he is having serious problems; he keeps everything to himself
to spare me from excessive worrying). This guy keeps saying dirt about his ex-
and current wives (I know for a fact my husband never discusses me with
anyone). This guy keeps making inappropriate jokes of sexual nature (my husband
would never talk like that with a stranger, he treats all women with a distant
I now find myself thinking warmer thoughts about my
hubby because he is not all those repulsive things some men are. I like how
this guy is intimidated by him and shuts up in his presence. Everybody has
their vices but we usually choose someone whose flaws we can put up with (even
if a different woman would find them unacceptable). Bit this recent experience
emphasized my husband's merits and reminded me why I was attracted to him 10
years back: not only for all the things he was, but also for the things he was